WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: University of Groningen – RUG

The Department of PharmacoTherapy -Epidemiology and Economics of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) is responsible for WP6 which is leading the Audit cycles in community pharmacies and adapting the APO Templates to pharmacies in the Target Countries. The members who are participating in the HAPPY PATIENT project come from very different...

WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: Region Hovedstaden – CAPREG

Denmark comprises five regions that are responsible for solving health, environmental business and social issues. The Capital Region of Denmark is the largest region in Denmark and consists of 29 municipalities with a total of 1,807,404 inhabitants. In Danish the name is Region Hovedstaden (Region H). Region H’s biggest task...


The HAPPY PATIENT consortium contains a wide diversity of geographical and professional coverage throughout the EU. INSTITUT CATALÀ DE LA SALUT (ICS) MISSION: Giving excellent care to the population, also developing teaching and research in the field of health in Catalonia. Location Website INSTITUT UNIVERSITARI D’INVESTIGACIÓ EN ATENCIÓ PRIMÀRIA (IDIAPJGOL) MISSION: The Mission of the...