
WHO IS WHO – NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS

HAPPY PATIENT targets both patients, primary health care professionals (general practitioners, nurses, dentists and pharmacists), health care professionals working at OOH services, and nursing homes. We will invite the scientific committees and the relevant societies for all the professionals involved (family doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, OOH services, and nursing homes),...

WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT – University of Southern Denmark

The University of Southern Denmark was established in 1998 through a merger involving Odense University, the Southern Denmark School of Business and Engineering and South Jutland University Centre. The aim of the University of Southern Denmark is to offer as many young people as possible a research-based degree at the highest...

WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: University of Groningen – RUG

The Department of PharmacoTherapy -Epidemiology and Economics of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) is responsible for WP6 which is leading the Audit cycles in community pharmacies and adapting the APO Templates to pharmacies in the Target Countries. The members who are participating in the HAPPY PATIENT project come from very different...