HAPPY PATIENT targets both patients, primary health care professionals (general practitioners, nurses, dentists and pharmacists), health care professionals working at OOH services, and nursing homes. We will invite the scientific committees and the relevant societies for all the professionals involved (family doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, OOH services, and nursing homes),...
Autor: Pere Vilanova
The costs of the Antimicrobial Resistance and the benefits of reducing it
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) causes harm in the short and long term, to the person suffering from the resistant infection and to the community in which he or she lives, even to the entire planet. They impose costs on patients with susceptible infections, on those who may need antibiotics as prophylaxis,...
WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT – University of Southern Denmark
The University of Southern Denmark was established in 1998 through a merger involving Odense University, the Southern Denmark School of Business and Engineering and South Jutland University Centre. The aim of the University of Southern Denmark is to offer as many young people as possible a research-based degree at the highest...
BMC Medicine Primary Care Journal echoes the HAPPY PATIENT «Study protocol»
BMC Medicine is one of the most prestigious publications in the field of medical research, and particularly within the field of Primary Care. BMC Medicine has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine. In 1999 BMC made high...
AMR: An ever-growing problem
The problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is ever-growing and resolving it is high on the agenda of many international organizations, including the European Commission. They have adopted an action plan against AMR of which the main goals are to make the EU a best practice region and to boost research,...
WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: University of Groningen – RUG
The Department of PharmacoTherapy -Epidemiology and Economics of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) is responsible for WP6 which is leading the Audit cycles in community pharmacies and adapting the APO Templates to pharmacies in the Target Countries. The members who are participating in the HAPPY PATIENT project come from very different...
European doctors echo HAPPY PATIENT in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance
WONCA Europe highlights the European project HAPPY PATIENT in its newsletter and makes known the role of its member organization (the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine, semFYC), as responsible for the creation of training programs aimed at European health professionals. The objective of the project is to avoid...
WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: Mano Seimos Gydytojas – FDC
The private office of family doctors “Mano seimos gydytojas” (My family doctor) was established by the family doctors in 2000 in Klaipeda. This clinic signed contract with the Lithuanian Governmental sick funds and thus functions as a unit of National health care system. Since the first years of practice this...
HAPPY PATIENT is crucial to slow down the next pandemic, which is already taking place
New findings have been released and make it clear that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is progressing faster than the previous worst-case scenario numbers. As previously suggested, AMR could cause 10 million deaths per year by 2050. This would overtake cancer as a leading cause of death worldwide. However recent estimates could...
WHO IS WHO in HAPPY PATIENT: Region Hovedstaden – CAPREG
Denmark comprises five regions that are responsible for solving health, environmental business and social issues. The Capital Region of Denmark is the largest region in Denmark and consists of 29 municipalities with a total of 1,807,404 inhabitants. In Danish the name is Region Hovedstaden (Region H). Region H’s biggest task...